Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Desert Rose

I put my hand in the stream as the sun reflects off the water surface. It becomes a part of the stream, reflecting light, moving with a strange grace.

I think women are like that, they become a part of their new families, new environments, new cities, naturally and almost effortlessly. They breathe in the new air, new freedoms and customs and live like life had always been the same. I think we bend without losing our shape and let go without losing our self.


Unknown said...

So true. Beautifully said. Very poetic and so very true.

John said...

Oh wow.. neatly written. Getting married kya? ;)

Iris said...

shirin> Thank you.

John> hehe? what? married me? no thank you!

Anonymous said...

i still can't read the new posts. and I still have to back up my stuff at work :)

Mama said...

Hi, this is Melinda, Courtney Smith's sister.... Loved 'Desert Rose'!!! It hits home for a new mom who just moved away from family for the first time!

Iris said...

Melinda> Thank you for your sweet compliment. Sorry its taken me so long to reply. I am glad you liked the post. :-)