Monday, March 22, 2004

20 Things About Me

  1. I was born on the fourth of March.
  2. It was a Sunday.
  3. I am very proud of this for some reason.
  4. This is my favorite number.
  5. I have curly hair.I wear it straight now.
  6. I would get bald in summers if I someone proved to me that it will grow back just as curly.
  7. I think I have small eyes.
  8. I am a cleanliness freak. Freak I tell you.
  9. I love buying Linen.
  10. I love clean sheets.
  11. I have difficulty figuring out right and left.
  12. I think I am a good listener.
  13. I don’t like alcohol. Don’t tell me that it’s good for anything.I drink now.
  14. I cry at farewells.
  15. I love the rain, and I love jogging in the rain.
  16. I love dogs.
  17. I haven’t quite figured out if I like to cook.
  18. I don’t think so.
  19. I love to read for an hour before sleeping.
  20. I love sleeping.
Updated- 03/22/07