Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Adios !

So now we know what side you are on. Actually the fact that there will be sides in this issue was news to me, but it's all good.

For the English speaking readers:
Has been a busy last couple of days. Am single again, so thats new and scary and new.

Have a cat called Sweet Tea in my house. He is so not sweet.

Have done everything I was supposed to do before I could get the tattoo, but it doesn't seem like such a great idea now.

School starts in a couple of days, so hurrampph!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey, waddaya know! I'm single again too. You wanna hook up, maybe?

Oh, wait...


take it easy, kiddo

also, what the heck was the 'adios' post about?


Ashwin said...

single again, a cat called Sweet Tea and you got a tattoo???

a lot of things happening in your life since I last heard from you :)

Anonymous said...

I won't harp on the single again factor, you've heard enough.

Sweet Tea.. interesting name. Get a dog and name him Bis Kit.

Unknown said...

Ohhhhhhkay! Many things happening wid u... so many happening with me oo... we need to have a small chit chat... mail me a number I cud call u on and I will.... miss u...

Really like the name Sweet Tea... hows Buddy bhai by the way???