Wednesday, March 21, 2007


There are people you call when late night paranoia hits you. And then there are those you call only when you are feeling stable and happy and great. You need to have known me for at least 5 years and

seen me cry,
seen me scream,
seen me underconfident and dejected,
seen me overconfident and arrogant, before you will be admitted to the first group.

After that happens, you will learn to pray because I can talk till 4 am.


Unknown said...

Look who came to meet the hungarian Iris... a stupid girl called Noor who misses Her Highness alot and has loads to tell Iris about whenever they get a chance to speak... miss u... take care. love

Iris said...

I called day before yersterday! You did not pick up!:-(

Wassup all well?

Unknown said...

k dat was ur call.. i dint know... by the time i reached the phone u had cut the call... Marie Aunty has cancer...dont tell anyone yet, not even ur mum...v gotta know last night... i am worried sick... will admit her to hospital tomorrow...will keep u posted on that front...

Dev said...

aha! a new blog eh?