posted 12-Aug-2006, Saturday
I cant see the stars from here. I seem to miss that the most. That and Microsoft Word,I am stuck with some Coral bloody Write shit.
Life seems to be happening to me finally and its breaking all the silly notions I had in my mind. I always thought I would be out till early morning if I got the chance to be, not so true. I prefer to be safe at home. I did not know i was chicken? hehe
Its not so easy making all the decisions myself. without a sounding board. Its not so easy being lazy when you have stuff to do. its not so easy making food everyday. I always knew that i was freaky about spending money, that if it were up to me I would never go out and eat or have coffee, that's true. I am freaky.
I did not know that walking would be so much fun, that being in a place where people are polite,where they smile and greet each other, open doors for you, would fit me like a glove; Specially after being in Delhi where the rudeness and animosity is palpable.
I did not know that being in a hilly area meant always going either uphill or downhill, that even that could be fun if you have a skateboard.
That looking out from your window every morning to see beautiful mountains and feel the cool breeze on your face could be like a prayer.
I did not know that David beckham looks so hot in real life and that going to watch him practice at 6 am would be totally worth it!!!!!!
The list of how to questions that I typed in my google toolbar in the last ten days.
How to do laundry
How to open a can
How to fold a comforter
How to find cheap airline tickets
How to use a can opener
No mishap while doing the laundry
Have a Can opener now
You apparently do not fold the comforter
Found cheap tickets
Own a can opener but do not know how to use it
I am scared of saying out aloud that I want to be looked after. I am scared of feeling this way, because it implies that I cannot look after myself, that I am not enough.
I did not have to clear the snow from my car this morning; the sun melted the snow by the time I had to leave. This was going to be a great day.
I think I am lost in two worlds. What I thought I was and what I am discovering about me. I am scared.
I have discovered that puttting tags on entries is pretty useless.
I sometimes feel I am the oldest 22 year old. EVER!
Conversation between roommate and her friend.
Exhibit A: “I am like Monica.”
*Huge pause*
Exhibit B: “Sometimes I think I am a cusp between Rachael and Monica, I could never be Phoebe”
These are characters in a sitcom. This is a serious conversation.
Let me introduce these people to you. These are 6 Indian kids who came to the
Exhibit A: “I am tired of traveling. I want to settle down with* boyfriend name*”
OMG you are 22? What is wrong with you? Tired of traveling? Settle down?
Exhibit B: “I will buy these plates when I get married, it’s a pain packing stuff and moving. You break so many things”
Plates? Married? You will buy nice plates when you get married …..Beats me!
Some masters students in departments like mechanical are from slightly poor backgrounds. They may not know how to speak great English. But they are trying, they are here, they have scholarships and I am in awe of these kids, they made it on their own. This group is very arrogant and looks down upon these kids.
Exhibit A is very proud of her job even slightly arrogant about it.
Iris: SO what do you do?
E A: “I open accounts!”
Iris: “Hello?”
E A: pauses
Yeah so your parents paid a LOT of money to send you to a less than mediocre college in the
There are people you call when late night paranoia hits you. And then there are those you call only when you are feeling stable and happy and great. You need to have known me for at least 5 years and
seen me cry,
seen me scream,
seen me underconfident and dejected,
seen me overconfident and arrogant, before you will be admitted to the first group.
After that happens, you will learn to pray because I can talk till 4 am.